Beat Kuhn06.02.2025Fritz Schmied, a young chef from rural Fribourg, worked as personal chef to political heavyweight Winston Churchill for a number of years.
Gabriel Heim04.02.2025The Swiss Tropical Institute was founded in 1943 out of a fear of post-war unemployment. It was designed to promote the emigration of young people to Africa and the world’s tropical regions.
Noah Businger30.01.2025For a long time, Switzerland's watercourses were severely affected by wastewater, chemicals and hydropower. It was not until the 1950s that a water protection movement developed. How did it achieve its goals?
Helmut Stalder23.01.2025Engineer Maurice Koechlin created some of the icons of engineering prowess: the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, and numerous bridges. Yet others reaped the glory.
Michael Jucker16.01.2025Referees are ostensibly portrayed as impartial. At the same time they attract controversy. It’s time for a look back at how the idea of arbiters applying the letter of the law, whether in the courtroom or on the sports ground, all began.
Beat Kuhn14.01.2025Who invented it? Probably Russian soldiers. And who made it world famous? Definitely an author born in Biel-Bienne. The story of Russian roulette.
Felix Frey09.01.2025Poncello or Puntcell? Illarsaz or Illarse? Kalbermatt or Chalbermatt? The spelling of place names has frequently been a contentious issue in all parts of Switzerland, particularly when it comes to striking the right balance between standard language and dialect.
Christophe Vuilleumier07.01.2025Renée Pellet was the first woman from French-speaking Switzerland to be elected to an executive body in 1960. As deputy mayor of Meyrin, she secured her place in Swiss political history.