Eine Reise durch die Schweiz im Jahr 1608
Trink- und Badesitten, Modevorlieben, Umgang mit dem Tod: Die erstaunlichen Beobachtungen des englischen Reisenden Thomas Coryate (1577-1617) in der Schweiz des frühen 17. Jahrhunderts.

Me thinks it had beene much better to have reserved the arrow with which [Tell] shot through the tyrant, then the sword that he wore.

A man may live as cheape here as in any City of Switzerland or Germanie.

Men and women bathing themselves together naked from the middle upward in one bathe: whereof some of the women were wives (as I was told) and the men partly bachelers, and partly married men, but not the husbands of the same women.

I observed many women of this Citie to be as beautifull and faire as any I saw in all my travels.

Beitrag zu Thomas Coryates Reise durch die Schweiz mit Sarah Rindlisbacher im «Treffpunkt» auf Radio SRF, 18.2.2022 SRF